CHAP. 114.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers before they proceed to act, shall take an oath or
affirmation before some justice of the peace, that they
will without favour, partiality or prejudice, assess the
damages sustained by the person through whose land
the said road may pass.
Passed Feb. 23,
An act to provide for changing the place of holding the
Elections in the Sixth Election District of Prince
George's County,
WHEREAS, sundry persons residing within the sixth
election district of Prince George's county, have me-
morialized the Legislature for the purpose of having
the elections in said district held at another place than
that now established by law, — Therefore,
to ascertain
and establish
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Thomas Berry, Notley Maddox,
Richard Young, Ebsworth Bayne, and Mareer D. So-
per, or a majority of them, or a majority of the survi-
vors of them, be, and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners to ascertain and establish a place for hold-
ing the elections in the sixth election district of Prince
George's county, as nearly central as practicable,
having regard to the extent of said district and the con-
venience and accommodation of the people attending
said polls, and the said commissioners, or a majority
of them, or a majority of the survivors of them, shall
Return and re-
cord directed
on or before the fifteenth day of July next make out and
deliver to the clerk of Prince George's county, a de-
scription, in writing under their hands and seals, of
the place which they may select for holding the elections
in said district, and the said clerk shall record the same
in the records of said county.
Meeting— ad-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers, or a majority of them, or a majority of the survi-
vors of them, shall meet at such place within said dis-
trict as they may select, for the purpose of performing
the duties imposed by this act, and may adjourn from
time to time until their duties shall be discharged.