CHAP. 106
ers to appropriate such sum or sums of money, as in
their judgment may be necessary and proper, out of
the. poor school fund of said county, to each and every
school district in the county, for tuition only; it shall
His duty, &c.
be the further duty of the said commissioners, to appoint
one of the trustees of each school district, as the trea-
surer thereof, to whom or to whose order, shall be paid
by the treasurer of the school fund of Allegany county,
all money or monies that may be appropriated by the
said commissioners to said schools respectively; and it
shall be the duty of the trustees of each school district
to procure and make choice of some competent person
as teacher of said schools respectively; and they shall
pay said teacher so much per quarter, year or half year,
as they may be enabled to do from the amount of money
which may be allowed to their school or schools by the
said commissioners, together with such sum or sums of
money as the said trustees may be enabled to procure
by individual subscription, for the maintenance and sup-
port of education in the said school districts respective-
School regula-
ly; that every child in the district shall be admitted
into the school upon a perfect equality, and the educa-
tion of no one shall be paid for or considered as poor
Trustees' report
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said trustees
shall make return in writing to the said commissioners
at their regular annual meetings, setting forth the a-
mount of money received by them in their respective
school districts from individual subscribers, the names
of such subscribers, the amount of their subscriptions
respectively, the number of scholars taught, and the
length of time occupied in the same, and the amount
paid by them for tuition, and the commissioners afore-
said shall cause this act to be published three weeks in
the newspapers in the town of Cumberland, in the
month of May next, that the citizens of Allegany coun-
ty may have a knowledge hereof, and thereby have it in
their power to petition the commissioners of said coun-
ty for the adoption or rejection of said law, and the cost
for the printing shall be paid by the county.
to accept this
law or it is
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall have
no power or effect in said county, unless the same shall
have been approved of by the commissioners of said
county, and accepted by them at their next annual meet-