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Session Laws, 1920 (Special Session)
Volume 536, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Chap-
ter 12 of the Acts of 1920 of the General Assembly of
Maryland, entitled "An Act to authorize and empower
the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland to issue
bonds to be known as 'Water Improvement Bonds of
1920, ' to the amount of seven hundred and fifty thou-
sand dollars, and to sell the same and to use the pro-
ceeds thereof for the purpose of improving, repairing
and extending, and the other necessary purpose hereto-
fore and hereafter affecting the water system and sup-
ply of the said city, and to provide for the advertise-
ment and sale of same, and to further provide punish-
ment for violation of this Act. "

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Chapter 12 of the Acts of 1920 of the
General Assembly of Maryland, entitled "An Act to auth-
orize and empower the Mayor and City Council of Cum-
berland to issue bonds to be known as 'Water Improve-
ment Bonds of 1920, to the amount of seven hundred and
fifty thousand dollars, and to sell the same and to use the
proceeds thereof for the purpose of improving, repairing
and extending, and the other necessary purpose hereto-
fore and hereafter affecting the water system and supply
of the said city, and to provide for the advertisement and
sale of same, and to further provide punishment for vio-
lation of this Act, " be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted so as to read as follows.:

1. That the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland,
be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to issue
"Water Improvement Bonds of 1920" to the amount of
seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, payable at the
end of ten years from the date of issue, and to sell the
same; said bonds to be of the denomination of one thou-
sand dollars, and shall be exempt from State, county and
municipal taxes; said bonds to be signed by the Mayor of
the City of Cumberland, and attested by the City Clerk,
with the corporate seal of the city thereto attached,
and to bear interest at the rate of not more than five per
cent per annum, payable semi-annually, f or which interest,
proper coupons are to be attached to said bonds; and at
the end of each fiscal year, any excess of receipts over ex-


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Session Laws, 1920 (Special Session)
Volume 536, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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