At a Special Session of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, called by Executive Proclamation and con-
vened at the City of Annapolis on Monday, the
20th day of September, and ending on Wednes-
day the 22nd day of Sep/ember in the year of
our Lord One, Thousand Nine Hundred and
Twenty, the Honorable Albert C. Ritchie being
Governor of the State, the following laws were
enacted, to-wit:
AN ACT to afford adequate facilities for the women of
Maryland to exercise the right of suffrage granted
by the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution
of the United States by
A. Adding two new sections to be known as Sections
23-A and 34-A to Article 33 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, title "Elections, " the same providing for
two additional registration days in Baltimore City and
in the Counties in the year 1920.
B. Adding a new section to be known as Section
127-A to said Article 33, the same directing Boards of
Supervisors of Elections in the counties and authoriz-
ing the Board of Supervisors of Election in Baltimore
City to establish an additional polling place in precincts
or election districts in which more than 800 persons are
C. Amending Section 31 of said Article 33, so as to
provide that the Board of Registry in the Counties
shall hold a session from nine o'clock A. M. to nine
o'clock P. M.
D. Amending Section 63 and repealing Sections
63-A and 63-B of said Article 33, so as to provide that