Formation of Boards.
5. The State Board of Education shall be composed of
seven members, who shall be appointed from the citizens of
the State by the Governor for a term of seven years, from the
first Monday in May next succeeding their appointment, and
they snail hold office until their successors qualify. Provided
that the terms of office of persons who are members of the
Board, at the time of the passage of this Act, shall not be
affected by its provisions; and provided further, in order that
the length of term of the first seven regular appointments under
this section shall be so designated by the Governor that there
shall thereafter be one regular vacancy and one regular ap-
pointment each year, the Governor shall appoint in the first
instance only three members, one of whom he shall designate
to hold office for a term of seven years, one for a term of six
years, and one for a term of five years, from the first Monday
in May, 1918; before the first Monday in May, 1920, he shall
appoint two members for a term of six and seven years, re-
spectively, from the first Monday in May, 1920; and before
the first Monday in May, 1922, he shall appoint two members
to serve six and seven years, respectively, from the first Monday
in May, 1922. Thereafter the term of each member appointed
to the Board shall be seven years. The members of the Board
shall be appointed solely because of their character and fitness,
but no person shall be appointed to the Board who is in any
way subject to its authority, and the Governor and the State
Superintendent of Schools shall not be members of this board
after the first Monday of May, 1918. The Governor may re-
move any member of the Board appointed under the provisions
of this section for immorality, misconduct in office, incom-
petency, or wilful neglect of duty, giving to him a copy of the
charges against him and an opportunity of being publicly heard
in person or by counsel, in his own defense, upon not less than
ten days' notice. If any member shall be removed the Gov-
ernor shall file in the office of the Secretary of State a complete
statement of all charges made against such member, and his
findings thereon, together with a complete record of the pro-
ceedings. Vacancies on the Board for any cause, shall be filled
by the Governor, for the unexpired term, and until a successor
shall qualify. Any member of the Board shall be eligible for
reappointment unless otherwise disqualified by the provisions
of this section.