28 as amended by ch. 333 of the Acts of 1912, 29, 31, 32, and
Sections 34, 34A, 34B and 34C as amended by ch. 461 of the
Acts of 1914, 35, 42, 43 as amended by ch. 480 of the Acts
of 1914, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53 as amended by ch. 85 of
the Acts of 1914, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 as amended by ch.
138 of the Acts of 1912, 60, 62 as amended by ch. 736 of the
Acts of 1914, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77,
78, 82 as amended by ch. 124 of the Acts of 1914, 83, 84, 85,
86, 87, 88 as amended by ch. 849 of the Acts of 1914, 125, 126
as amended by ch. 651 of the Acts of 1914, 126A as amended
by ch. 82 of the Acts of 1914, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132,
133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144, 145 and 173 of said
article 77 of Bagby's Annotated Code of Public Civil Laws of
Maryland entitled "Public Education" and section 1-127 and
section 2-124A of ch. 173 of the Acts of 1912, sub-title "School
Attendance, " to be known hereafter as secs. 156 and 162 re-
spectively, be and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments; and that forty-four new sections be and they
are hereby added to said Article 77 of Bagby's Annotated
Code of Public Civil Laws of Maryland, entitled "Public Edu-
cation, " the same to be designated and numbered as follows:
12Ar 12B, 12C, 12D, 12E, and 12F, the same to follow 12 of
said Article 77; 17A, 17B, 17C, 17D and 17E, the same to
follow 17 of said article 77; 19A and 19B, the same to follow
19 of said Article 77; 20A and 20B, the same to follow 20 of
said Article 77; 21A, 21B, 21C, and 21D, the same to follow
21 of said Article 77; 25A, 25B, 25C, 25D, 25E, 25F, 25G,
25H, 25 I, 25 J, 25K, 25L and 25M, the same to follow 25 of
said Article 77; 31A and 31B, the same to follow 31 of said
Article 77; 72A, 72B, 72C, 72D, 72E, 72F, 72G, 72H, 721
and 72 J, the same to follow 72 of said Article 77.
Control and Supervision.
2. Educational matters affecting the State and the general
care and supervision of public education shall be entrusted to
a State Department of Education, at the head of which shall
be a State Board of Education.
3. Educational matters affecting a County shall be under
the control of a County Board of Education.
4. Educational matters affecting a school district shall be
under the care of a District Board of School Trustees.