AN ACT to add six new sections to Article 1 of the Public
Local Laws of Maryland, entitled "Allegany County, " sub-
titled "Dogs and Sheep, " to be known as Section 100G,
100H, 100 I, 100J, 100K, 100L, providing for the licens-
ing and taxing of dogs in Allegany County, and for the pur-
pose of encouraging the raising of sheep, to kill unlicensed
or stray dogs or those found molesting sheep, cattle or poul-
try, and those unattended near where sheep are kept.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, That six new sections be added
to Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland
entitled "Allegany County, " sub-title "Dogs and Sheep, " and
to be known as Section 100G, 100H, 100 I, 100 J, 100K, 100L,
and to read as follows:
100G. The County Commissioners for Allegany County are
hereby authorized, empowered and directed to collect from the
person or persons or body corporate owning dogs in Allegany
County, a license tax for all dogs over six months of age in
said County for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 1916, and
for each and every year thereafter, in the following sums:
Each female dog—$2. 00.
Each male dog—$1. 00.
Each Splayed Female—$1. 00.
Provided that any person or persons or corporation conduct-
ing a fennel for the raising and selling of dogs shall register
the same with the County Commissioners and shall pay an
annual tax of Five Dollars ($5. 00) for said kennel, provided
all dogs are kept in said kennels, or when taken therefrom for
the purpose of training shall be under the control and custody
of such owner or trainer, and provided, further, that when said
dogs shall be allowed to leave the kennel, and shall not be in
the custody or under the control of said owner or trainer, then
all the provisions of the hereinafter sections shall apply to the
100H. The County Commissioners, upon the approval of
this law, are hereby empowered and directed to formulate and
carry out procedure for the collection of the said tax and for
the distribution to each person or persons paying taxes, as here-
in provided, a metal tag or tags to be given for each dog for
which the license tax has been paid, with the further power
to call upon any and all persons in said County to disclose the
number and sex of all dogs owned by them in Allegany County.