may take the form of retirement or assignment to lighter duties
at reduced pay. Provided that nothing herein shall apply to
any employee whose annual salary exceeds $1, 000. 00 or any
per diem employe whose annual wages do not exceed $1, 000 per
annum for eight hours' work per day. The City Council shall
have the same powers with reference to any appropriation
authorized by this Section as they now have under Section 36
with regard to appropriations therein authorized.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
ACT authorizing the County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery County to issue bonds to an amount not to, exceed
Forty "Thousand Dollars ($40, 000. 00) for the purpose of
building an improved road from Olney to Laytonsville,,
known as the Olney-Laytonsville Road, a distance of about
Five and one-half miles, in the First and Eighth Election
Districts in said Montgomery County, provided certain
donations be made as hereinafter provided, to the said Coun-
ty Commissioners, to be applied by them for the purposes
herein and to collect and levy taxes in the First and Eighth
Election Districts of said County for the payment of said
bonds and coupons thereon.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Montgomery
County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue
bonds in an amount not to exceed the sum of Forty Thousand
Dollars ($40, 000. 00) for the purpose of building and improv-
ing the public road from the State Road at Olney, known as
the Olney-Laytonsville Road, to the Laytonsville-Gaithersburg
Road within the First and Eighth Election Districts of said
County, a distance of about Five and one-half miles and to
levy and collect taxes from the said First and Eighth Election
Districts in the following proportions, that is to say:
In the First Election District—Forty (40) per cent, and
In the Eighth Election District—Sixty (60) per cent.,
for the payment of said bonds and the interest coupons thereon
as hereinafter set forth.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners of Montgomery County be and they are hereby