WHEREAS, Agreeable to the powers given said Commission
by Act aforesaid, they caused to be erected and equipped at
Ocean City, Maryland, a school building; and
WHEREAS, The building was completed by the contractor
in time specified in an agreement made with the Ocean City
School Building Commission to the satisfaction of the Com-
mission and approval of the architect; and
WHEREAS, The agreement between the Commission and the
contractor specified that payments should be made as the work
progressed within seven days on presentation of certificates of
the architect; and
WHEREAS, There still remains unpaid Seventeen Thousand,
One Hundred and Ninety Dollars and Ten Cents ($17, -
190. 10), or the amount of five certificates, as follows: Janu-
ary 26, 1915, $3591. 30; March 2, 1915, $3428. 30; March
31, 1915, $3369. 75; May 28, 1915, $3119. 30, and July 9,
1915, $3681. 45, upon which interest is demanded and de-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars
($1500. 00) be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any
money in the Treasury of the State of Maryland not otherwise
appropriated, said sum to be used for the purpose of paying the
amount due on interest in deferred payments to the contractor,
as may be evidenced by drafts on the Comptroller by the Sec-
retary of the Ocean City School Building Commission.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1st, after its passage.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to require the Board of Managers of the Maryland
Tuberculosis Sanatorium created by Chapter 308 of the
Acts of 1906, to make a report of its proceedings, receipts
and expenditures annually as of September 30th of each
year to the Governor of the State.
WHEREAS, the Board of Managers of the Maryland Tuber-
culosis Sanatorium are now required by law to make a report
of its proceedings, receipts and expenditures, annually in Janu-