issue bonds in an amount not to exceed Twenty-five Thousand
Dollars ($25, 000. ) for the purpose of building, improving and
relocating the public road leading from Germantown to the
public road leading from Darnestown to Dawsonville from a
point in front of the store of Horace D. Waters to said public
road leading from Darnestown to Dawsonville within the Sixth
Election District in Montgomery County; and to levy and col-
lect taxes in said Sixth Election District of said County for
the payment of said bonds and the interest coupons thereon as
hereinafter stated.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners of Montgomery County, be and they are hereby
directed to borrow on the credit of the said County a sum not
to exceed Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25, 000. ) for the
purpose of building, improving and relocating the public road
leading from Germantown to the public road leading from
Darnestown to Dawsonville from a point in front of the store
of Horace D. Waters to said public road leading from Darnes-
town to Dawsonville, a distance of about three and a half miles
(3 1/2), more or less, as herein provided; and the said County
Commissioners shall issue coupon bonds under the corporate
seal of the said County Commissioners for the amount bor-
rowed under the provisions of this Act, the said bonds to be
signed by the President of the Board of County Commis-
sioners and countersigned by the Clerk thereof, in sums not
less than One Hundred Dollars ($100. ) and not more than
Five Hundred Dollars ($500. ); the said bonds to bear interest
from the date of issue thereof at the rate of not more than five
per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and which said
interest to the maturity of each said bonds shall be provided
for and set forth in the coupons attached to each of said bonds,
respectively, for the interest due and payable thereon, and
which said bonds shall have printed on them a distinct refer-
ence to this Act authorizing their issue.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all bonds issued
under the provisions of this Act shall be redeemable as follows:
that is to say, not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500. )
thereof in one year from the date of their issue and thereafter
annually Five Hundred Dollars ($500. ) each and every year
until the whole amount of said bonds and coupons shall have
been fully paid, and to this end the said County Commissioners
shall issue the said bonds in series, redeemable in their proper
order; and the said bonds shall be sold after due advertisement