after annually Five Hundred ($500. 00) Dollars, each and
every year until the whole amount of said bonds and coupons
shall have been fully paid; and to this end the said County
Commissioners shall issue the said bonds in series redeemable
in their proper order; and the said bonds shall be sold after due
advertisement at public or private sale in the discretion of the
said County Commissioners and none of the said bonds shall
be sold for less than par and accrued interest.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners shall cause to be levied upon and collected from
the taxable property of the Sixth Election District of said coun-
ty an additional tax, annually sufficient to pay the said bonds
and interest as the said bonds and interest, or coupons, may
severally mature, as provided herein; and the said special tax
or levy shall be a lien upon the taxable property of the said
Sixth Election District, and the said tax shall be collected in a
like manner as other taxes levied in said county are collected,
and when collected shall be applied as hereinafter provided, to
the payment of the said bonds as they severally mature and the
interest thereon, semi-annually, which said bonds and coupons,
when issued shall be a lien upon the taxable property of the
said Montgomery County and shall be noncontestable for any
cause whatsoever, and the said bonds and coupons, so issued,
when redeemed, whether before or at maturity, shall be can-
celled, and it shall be the duty of the said County Commis-
sioners to immediately cancel the same.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners be and they are hereby directed, authorized and
empowered to apply the proceeds of the bond issue, herein
authorized to the extent of Fifteen Thousand ($15, 000. 00)
Dollars, together with the certain donations of Three Thousand
($3, 000. 00) Dollars as hereinafter provided to the payment
for the building, improving and relocating of the public road
from Old Germantown to the State Road near Seneca Creek by
way of the new road through the lands of James H. Jones a
distance of about four and one-half miles, within the Sixth
Election District of said Montgomery County, all building, im-
proving and relocating authorized under the provisions of this
act to consist of the grading of the said road, the construction
of bridges and culverts and the construction thereon of a maca-
dam or other durable surface, according to plans and specifica-
tions approved by the Road Superintendent for Montgomery
County, State of Maryland. The funds herein provided to be