SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Building Com-
mittee shall, as speedily as possible, purchase the site and pro-
cure and adopt a plan and specifications for the erection of said
school building, and as said plan and specifications are deter-
mined upon said Building Committee shall invite sealed pro-
posals by advertisement for a reasonable time for the construe
tion and completion of said work, which proposals shall be sent
in sealed envelopes in care of County School Superintendent
of Anne Arundel County, addressed to the chairman of said
Building Committee, and shall be publicly opened on the day
and at the hour named in said advertisement, and said pro-
posals setting forth the amount of money for which the par-
ties proposing will complete the building according to the
plan and specifications, and the time or times at which pay-
ment therefor shall be made, and the time when said build-
ing shall be completed; and the said. Building Committee
may reject any or all bids, or may award the contract to the
lowest responsible bidder upon such bidder giving bond to the
State of Maryland in such penalty as said Building Committee
shall determine, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the
contract entered into, which bond shall be liable at the suit of
the Board of County School Commissioners of Anne Arundel
County for violations of its conditions; and said Building
Committee is hereby authorized and required to employ a
skilled and competent architect under whose control and super-
vision, as to material and workmanship, such building shall be
erected; and said Building Committee shall purchase and in-
stall such furniture and heating plant as they may deem proper
to heat the rooms of said building.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said. Building Committee
upon entering into any contract or contracts, as mentioned in
the preceding section, shall forthwith make report or reports
to the Board of County School Commissioners of Anne Arun-
del County, fully setting forth the terms and character of said
contract or contracts and the debts incurred thereby.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That to provide for the cost of
the site and erection and furnishing of said building and the
installation of said heating plant, the Board of County School
Commissioners of Anne Arundel County are hereby authorized
and directed to borrow, on the endorsement of the County Com-
missioners of Anne Arundel County, who are hereby authorized
and directed to endorse said bonds, on the credit of said Coun-
ty, an amount not exceeding the sum of ten thousand dollars.