AN ACT to create a Commission to be known as the State
Board of Labor and Statistics, and to prescribe its powers
and duties; to include therein the power to establish State
Employment Agencies and to provide for the Arbitration of
Disputes between Employers and Employees; and to trans-
fer to the said Board all the powers and duties now con-
ferred upon and exercised by the Bureau of Statistics and
Information, and the Chief of the Industrial Bureau, under
the provisions of Article 89 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land, Volume II, title "Statistics and Information as to
Branches of Industry, " and under the provisions of sections
1 to 55 inclusive, of Article 100 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, Volumes II and III, title "Work—Hours of, in
Factories, " sub-title "Employment of Minors" and "Hours
of Labor for Females, " and under the provisions of sections
264 to 275 inclusive of Article 27 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, Volume III, title "Crimes and Punishments, "
Bub-titles "Health—Workshops and Factories" and "Health
—Workshops and Factories—Sweating System, " and to
abolish said Bureau of Statistics and Information and the
said Chief of the Industrial Bureau; and also to transfer to
said Board of Labor and Statistics all the powers and duties
now conferred upon and exercised by the Inspector and As-
sistant Inspectors of Female Labor, under the provisions of
Sections 51 to 55 inclusive, of said Article 100 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland, Volume III, title "Work—Hours
of, in Factories, " sub-title "Hours of Labor for Females, "
and to abolish said Inspector and Assistant Inspectors of
Female Labor; and to this end to repeal and re-enact with
amendments sections 1 and 2 of said Article 89 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland, Volume II, title "Statistics and
Information as to Branches of Industry; " to repeal section
53 of Article 100 of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
Volume III, title "Work, Hours of, in Factories, " sub-title
"Hours of Labor for Females; " and to add six new sections
to said Article 89 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, to
be known respectively as section 2A, to be sub-titled "State
Employment Agencies, " section 11, to be sub-titled "Arbi-
tration of Disputes between Employers and Employees, "
sections 12 and 13, to be sub-titled "Hours of Labor, Work-
shops, Factories, etc., " section 14, to be sub-titled "Appro-
priation, " and section 15, to be sub-titled "Fines and Penal-