contractor or contractors employed by said Building Com-
mittee, in accordance with the terms of their said contract or
contracts, upon the warrant of said Building Committee, such
sum or sums as shall be certified in such warrant that such
contractor or contractors are entitled to in the performance of
the contract or contracts, and shall pay, upon the warrant of
said Building Committee, the costs of plans and specifications
of the work proposed to be done, the salary of the supervising
architect, and such other expenses that the said Building Com-
mittee may properly have incurred in the discharge of their
duty; and no part of said proceeds of sale of said bonds shall
be paid out by said Treasurer, except on the warrant of said
Building Committee.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the Board of School Com-
missioners of Anne Arundel County are hereby fully author-
ized to sell the old school lot at Glen Burnie and the building
upon, the same or they are authorized to hold the same for
school purposes whichever they may deem best, the proceeds
arising from said sale to be applied as said Board of County
School Commissioners shall determine.
Approved April 11th, 1916.
AN ACT to authorize and direct the Clerk of the Circuit Court
for Talbot County to have a new index of the Land Records
of said County, from the settlement of the County to the
year 1833 made on the Campbell System, and to direct the
Board of County Commissioners of said County to levy a
sum of money to pay therefor.
WHEREAS, the index to the Land Records of Talbot County
from the first settlement of the County up to the year 1833
are much worn and illegible and makes the tracing of titles
very difficult and a new copy thereof has become necessary,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Talbot
County be and he is hereby authorized and directed to have
made a new index of the Land Records from the settlement of
the County to the year 1833 under the Campbell System of