agers shall be selected by the Reformed Congregation as soon
as practicable after the passage of this Act, two of whom shall
serve until June 1st, 1918, and two of whom shall serve until
June 1st, 1920. The said Congregations shall thereafter select
every two years, each two members of said Board of Managers
to take the place of those whose terms expire, for a period of
four years, or until their successors shall be selected. Vacan-
cies caused in said Board of Managers shall be filled by the
remaining members of the Board for the unexpired term.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said Board of Man-
agers shall meet within fifteen days after their election and
organize by electing one of their number as Chairman and one
as Secretary. The Secretary shall also be Treasurer, and
shall serve until June 1st, 1918. They shall then reorganize
between the first and 15th day of June, in the year 1918, and
every two years thereafter between the 1st and 15th of June,
as hereinbefore provided. The said Board of Managers shall,
as soon as they shall have organized, take charge of all lands
owned by the said two congregations or which may hereafter
be owned by them, for burial purposes, and all books, papers
and other property belonging thereto, and administer the same.
They shall have power to make by-laws, rules -and regulations
for the government and management of the property in their
charge, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of this
State. They shall have power to appoint such other officers,
agents and employees as they may consider necessary, to fix
their duties, to provide for their payment, and may discharge
any or all of them whenever they may deem it expedient so to
do. They shall have power to designate the person or persons
who in their judgment are proper and qualified to be entrusted
with the digging, filling and walling of graves, and the making
of all kinds of excavations for burial purposes, as well as for
the foundations of all monuments, tombstones or other device
therein, and for the walling of the same in the said burial
grounds, and may prohibit the same from being done by any
other person or persons. They shall lay out the said grounds
into burial lots, drives, walks and such other devices as shall
to them seem proper; they shall cause all burial lots to be
numbered, marked or otherwise designated, and may dispose of
them at such price and upon such terms as they may fix, and
such lots when sold shall be for the purpose of sepulchre only,
and shall not in any manner bo subject to attachment or execu-
tion for debt, nor to public taxation of any kind, nor affected