session of 1835, joint resolution No. 35 of the legislative
session of 1839, Chapter 107 of the acts of 1798, Chapter
204 of the acts of 1835, Chapter 35 of the acts of 1840,
Chapter 281 of the acts of 1846, Chapter 105 of the acts
of 1854, Chapter 268 of the acts of 1856, Chapters 201 and
310 of the acts of 1858, Chapter 128 of the acts of 1864,
Chapter 160 of the acts of 1865, Chapters 183 and 434 of
the acts of 1868, Chapters 88, 78, 242, and 419 of the acts
of 1870, Chapter 176 of the acts of 1874, Chapter 339 of
the acts of 1878, Chapter 429 of the acts of 1882, Chapters
279, 299 and 481 of the acts of 1890, and Chapter 430 of
the acts of 1906; the same being designed to repeal all con-
tinuing appropriations to colleges, academies and schools in-
cluded in what is commonly known as the "Academic Fund. "
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That joint resolution No. 34 of the legislative ses-
sion of 1831, joint resolution No. 1 of the legislative session
of 1832, joint resolution No. 52 of the legislative session oi,
1811, joint resolution No. 84 of the legislative session of 1834,
joint resolution No. 72 of the legislative session of 1835, joint
resolution No. 35 of the legislative session of 1839, Chapter
107 of the acts of 1798, Chapter 204 of the acts of 1835,
Chapter 35 of the acts of 1840, Chapter 281 of the acts of 1846,
Chapter 105 of the acts of 1854, Chapter 268 of the acts of
1856, Chapters 201 and 310 of the acts of 1858, Chapter 128
of the acts of 1864, Chapter 160 of the acts of 1865, Chapters
183 and 434 of the acts of 1868, Chapters 88, 78, 242, and
419 of the acts of 1870, Chapter 176 of the acts of 1874,
Chapter 339 of the acts of 1878, Chapter 429 of the acts of
1882, Chapters 279, 299 and 481 of the acts of 1890, Chapter
430 of the acts of 1906; be, and the same are hereby repealed
in so far as they provide appropriations from the Treasury of
the State of Maryland.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on June 1, 1916.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to authorize the Treasurer of the State of Maryland
and the Board of County Commissioners of Baltimore Coun-
ty to refund to James W. Shea, certain monies for an un-
used retail liquor dealers license.