tachment for contempt, or otherwise, and all orders or decrees
that may be necessary or appropriate in the exercise of the
jurisdiction conferred by this Act, and shall have and exercise
all the powers now or hereafter conferred upon the Circuit
Court for said County in the hearing, trial and determination
of causes wherein a minor may be brought before said Court by
habeas corpus, and shall have and exercise all other powers
by this Act hereinafter expressly conferred.
And the hearing, trial and determination of all cases of de-
pendent, neglected or delinquent children by the Circuit Court
for said County sitting in Juvenile Causes shall be had with-
out regard to technicalities of procedure or the rules of evi-
dence, and without regard to any technical claim of any party
to said cause, and the Circuit Court for said County sitting in
Juvenile causes may control and conduct the hearing of such
cases, in the same manner as are now controlled and conducted
the nearing of cases of minors brought before said Circuit
Court by habeas corpus.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That, whenever the
Judges of any Judicial Circuit shall designate one of their
number to try, hear and determine the cases of such children
as aforesaid in any County of their said Circuit, then and
thereafter any resident of said County or the agent of any soci-
ety incorporated under the laws of this State for the care and
protection of children, may file with the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for said County a petition in writing, and under oath,
setting forth that a certain child or children, naming the same,
if the name or names be known, and also naming the parent
or parents of such child, if there be parent or parents, known
to the petitioner, or the name of the custodian of such child
or children, if there be such custodian known to the petitioner,
and the place or places of residence of such child or children,
their parents or other custodian, where known to the petitioner,
is or are delinquent, dependent or neglected, as defined in Sec-
tion 1 of this Act, and that it is for the interest of such child or
children, and the State of Maryland, that it or they be taken
from its or their parent or parents, guardian or custodian, and
placed under the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court for said
County, sitting in Juvenile Causes, together with such other
pertinent facts, if any, as the petitioner may think proper to
state. The Clerk of the Circuit Court for said County shall
file and preserve such petition and all papers relating to such
petition, and docket such case, wherein the petitioner shall be