the public for support, or has not fit and proper parental care
or guardianship, or who is feeble-minded or otherwise men-
tally deficient, or who habitually begs for alms, or is found
living with vicious or depraved persons, or has a home, which,
by reason of neglect, cruelty or depravity on the part of its par-
ent or parents, guardian or other person having charge of it, is
an unfit place for such a child or who is habitually absent from
school contrary to the public general or public local laws of
Maryland in such case made and provided.
The term "delinquent child" shall be construed as meaning
any male or female child under the ages above specified, and
who, while under such age, may violate any criminal law of
the State, or is incorrigible, or knowingly associates with
thieves, vicious or depraved persons, or is growing up in idle-
ness or crime, or knowingly frequents any gambling places,
policy shops or patronizes or frequents liquor or beer saloons
unaccompanied by a parent or guardian, or is guilty of inde-
cent, immoral or lascivious conduct.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the judges of each
of the several Judicial Circuits of the State, now or hereafter
created, shall have power to designate if all of the judges in
said circuit, in their discretion, shall deem it necessary
or expedient for each of the Circuit Courts of their
said Judicial Circuit, a judge of said Judicial Cir-
cuit to hear, try and determine the cases of dependent, neg-
lected or delinquent children found within the County wherein
said Circuit Court has jurisdiction, or whose dependency,
neglect or delinquency shall have occurred within said County;
and said Circuit Judge when designated shall be known as
the Circuit Court for said County, sitting in Juvenile causes,
and when so designated shall have jurisdiction exclusive of any
and all Justices of the Peace in and for said County in all
cases of trial or commitment to any juvenile institution of any
such dependent, neglected or delinquent child; and the said
Circuit Court for said County sitting in Juvenile causes shall
have plenary jurisdiction to hear, try and determine all cases
of any such dependent, neglected or delinquent children and
to provide for the custody, control and maintenance of such
child until it shall attain the age of 21, and shall have all
other jurisdiction by this Act hereinafter expressly conferred.
And the said Circuit Court for said County sitting in Ju-
venile Causes shall have and exercise to the fullest extent all
the powers of equity to make and enforce by injunction, at-