current expenses of the said church, may and shall meet at
such place of the said church as shall be appointed by the said
committee some time during the month of March, in the year
nineteen hundred and seventeen, and some time, during each
and every succeeding month of March, whereof due notice shall
be given according to the by-laws of said corporation, and then
and there they, or as many as may attend, shall elect by ballot
four members of the congregation of the said Church, being
twenty-one years of age and contributing regularly towards the
pastor's salary and current expenses of the said Church, who
shall serve for a term of three years.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the members of the said
committee shall have the power to fill all vacancies that may
occur in the said committee for the unexpired term of the per-
son or persons whose vacancy or vacancies may have occurred;
and in the event of a failure by the members of the said con-
gregation as aforesaid to elect the said committee as is con-
templated by this Act, then and in that case the members last
elected shall continue to be and constitute the said committee
until they shall be superseded by the election of a new com-
mittee, which may be done in any succeeding month after the
month of March, upon due notice being given in accordance
with the by-laws.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said committee, with
the consent and approbation of two-thirds of the members
thereof, shall and they are hereby declared to be capable of
bargaining and selling, leasing and conveying, any property
which is now owned or may hereafter be acquired by the said
corporation, in as full and effectual a manner as any person
or body corporate may or can do.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said committee shall
elect from its members a president, who shall preside over all
meetings of the said corporation, and in the case of the ab-
sence of the said president the said committee may appoint
one of their members, as president pro tempore, who, in the
absence of the president, shall have all the authority and
privileges of a president
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all acts or deeds of the
said corporation, and sealed with its corporate seal, and all
deeds by them for the conveyance of all lands or tenements of
the corporation, which by the law of the land ought to be
acknowledged and recorded, shall be signed and sealed as