AN ACT to add two Sections to Article 25 of the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws, title "County Commissioners, " subtitle
"Public Roads, " to be designated as Sections 104a and 104b,
providing for the erection and maintenance by the County
Commissioners of the several Counties of the State, or by
the boards or officials having jurisdiction over the public
roads in Counties where the roads are not under the control
of County Commissioners, of sign or finger boards at the
intersection of all County roads with the State roads and
State aid roads in their respective Counties, and providing
penalties for defacing, injuring or destroying such sign or
finger boards.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That there be and hereby are added to Article 25 of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "County Commissioners, "
sub-title "Public Roads, " two Sections to be designated as Sec-
tions 104a and 104b, to read as follows:
104a. The County Commissioners of the several Counties
of this State, shall, within four months after this Act shall be-
come effective, erect and thereafter maintain at each intersec-
tion of a County road with the State roads and State aid roads,
in their respective Counties, a sign or finger board, substan-
tially made, on which shall, be legibly painted, in letters at
least three inches in height, the name of the principal place or
places to which such County road leads, with the distance
thereto from such State or State aid road, such sign. or finger
board to be securely fastened on a substantial post firmly placed
in the ground. In all Counties of the State wherein the juris-
diction over the County roads is vested by law in any board
or other officials, the duties herein imposed upon the County
Commissioners shall be and become the duties of such "board
or other officials. "
104b; Any person defacing, injuring or destroying any sign
or finger board erected or maintained under the preceding Sec-
tion shall be subject, upon conviction, before any Justice of
the Peace or by the Circuit Court f of any of the Counties, to a
fine of riot more than fifty dollars for each offense, of confine-
ment in the County Jail for not less than ten days nor more
than thirty days, or both fine and imprisonment.