ing penalties for violations of the insurance laws by such
agents and solicitors and for the revocation of the licenses
of agents, solicitors and brokers for cause.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Article 23 of the Annotated Code of Public
Civil Laws of Maryland (legalized by Chapter 21 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of 1912), title "Corporations, " sub-
. title "Insurance Department, " be and the same is hereby
amended by the repeal and re-enactment, with amendments of
section 184 thereof and by adding thereto five new and addi-
tional sections to be designated and known, respectively, as
Sections 184A, 184B, 184C, 184D and 184E, and to follow
immediately after Section 184; said amended sections and
said new sections to read as follows:
184. No person, firm or corporation shall act as agent or
solicitor in this State for any insurance company, as defined in
Section 192 of this Article, in any manner whatever relating
to insurance risks until all the provisions of this Article relat-
ing thereto have been complied with, and there has been granted
by the Insurance Commissioner, except in the case of compa-
nies chartered under the laws of this State, a certificate of au-
thority or license, for which said company, or its agent doing
a life insurance business, shall pay to the Insurance Commis-
sioner the sum of three hundred dollars ($300. 00), and all
other such companies, or their agent, except those as may be
chartered under the laws of this State, shall pay the sum of
one hundred dollars ($100. 00); and all companies, or their
agent, except such as may be chartered under the laws of this
State, shall also pay to the Insurance Commissioner a tax on
the amount of premiums contracted to be paid or actually col-
lected, received, allowed or secured in this State, or from resi-
dents thereof, during the last license year, by or for said com-
pany, and without any deduction for expenses or endowments
or dividends that may have been paid or allowed, or for any
other cause, whatsoever. Said tax shall be at the rate of two
per centum on premiums on policies of such companies whose
charters authorize them to write fire, marine or inland insur-
ance, and at the rate of one and one-half per centum on pre-
miums on policies of all other such companies, and which
rates shall not be increased or diminished, by reason of any
greater or less rates being chargeable under the laws of any
other State or Territory. A report of the premiums so col-
lected as above must be made to the Insurance Commissioner