health, morals, safety or welfare of the people of Queen. Anne's
SEC. 290. Any firm, person, corporation, association or or-
ganization who opens, conducts, or carries on any hotel, casino,
excursion pavilion, or any bathing beach, park, or grounds of
any description whatsoever for the resort of persons as an ex-
cursion ground, camp meeting, encampment, or place of amuse-
ment or diversion within the limits of Queen Anne's County,
but without the limits of any incorporated town in said County,
without first having secured a license or permit as provided
by the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not ex-
ceeding five hundred dollars a day for each day he may so keep
open any such hotel, casino, excursion pavilion, bathing beach,
park or grounds of any description whatsoever for the resort
of persons as an excursion ground, camp, meeting, encampment,
place of amusement or diversion; or be imprisoned in the
County Jail for not less than six months nor more than one
year, or both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the
Court. All fines collected under this Section shall be paid to
the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County for the
use of the public roads.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That this Act shall take effect from the first day of
June, nineteen hundred and sixteen.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars,
upon condition's herein set forth, for the purpose of erecting
a hospital at some point in Charles County, Maryland, to be
known as the Southern Maryland Emergency Hospital, and
providing for the appointment of directors for the operating
and maintaining of said hospital, and giving power to the
County Commissioners of said County to purchase or con-
demn land as a site for same.
WHEREAS, the southwestern section of the State of Mary-
land, embracing Charles, St. Mary's, and a part of Prince
George's Counties, is, by reason of inadequate transportation