On the second Tuesday in April, 1917, two members of the
said Citizens' Committee shall be elected to serve for one year
and three members to serve for two years. On the second
Tuesday in April, 1918, and on the second Tuesday in April
of each following year, an election shall be held at which Com-
mitteemen shall be elected for two years to succeed those whose
terms expire, and at which Committeemen shall be elected to
fill any vacancies which may exist, but the Committeemen so
elected to fill such vacancies shall serve only for the remainder
of the unexpired term. Election shall be by ballot in a manner
to be prescribed, by said Citizens' Committee. Only registered
and qualified voters of Montgomery County residing within
said Martin's Additions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the Village of Chevy
Chase, Maryland, shall be entitled to vote for, or hold the office
of, Committeeman. Following each election each newly elected
member of said Citizens' Committee shall qualify by taking an
oath before any officer in said Montgomery County, authorized
by law to administer oaths, to diligently and faithfully dis-
charge all duties of the office. Said Committee shall select
from their members a Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, and any
other officers they may deem necessary.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said Citizens' Com-
mittee of said Martin's Additions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the Village
of Chevy Chase, is empowered to grade, pave, macadamize, or
otherwise improve any existing dedicated street, road or lane,
or any county road, street or lane, which has been, or which
may be acquired and opened for public use, but which is un-
graded, unpaved, or unimproved, and to lay sidewalks and
curbs thereon provided, that said Citizens' Committee, subject
to the approval of the Board of County Commissioners and
after due publication thereof, shall have power to assess the
cost of said grading, paving, macadamizing, or improving
against the property abutting on said street, road, lane or side-
walk, in proportion to the frontage of said abutting property
on the same. Said Citizens' Committee, subject to the approval
of said Board of County Commissioners, is also further em-
powered, and after due public notice thereof, to acquire by
purchase, condemnation or otherwise, according to law, prop-
erty for sewerage disposal purposes of said Martin's Addi-
tions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the Village of Chevy Chase and to assess
the cost of such property as it may so acquire for sewerage dis-
posal purposes, and the cost of construction of sewers and
sewerage system, but not the maintenance thereof, against the