have been dedicated to the public or to Montgomery County
and whether accepted by said county or not; all other funds
to be used by the Citizens' Committee directly, or through said
Committee exclusively for maintaining, repairing and lighting
the streets, roads, including those upon which said Martin's
Additions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the Village of Chevy Chase, abuts,
alleys, sidewalks, parking, drainage, sewerage, sanitation and
other village maintenance and upkeep of the existing improve-
ments, clerical and other public service, including the removal
of ashes, garbage and other refuse, and disposal thereof; for
the employment of a building inspector to enforce the require-
ments of all deeds of conveyance for properties situated in
said Martin's Additions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the Village of Chevy
Chase for enforcing such building, sanitary and other regula-
tions as said Citizens' Committee, subject to the approval of
the Board of County Commissioners, may prescribe for said
Martin's Additions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the Village of Chevy Chase
or for any part of said section thereof.
SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That, the said Citi-
zens' Committee of Martin's Additions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the
Village of Chevy Chase shall be constituted as follows: Guy
W. A. Camp, Arthur M. Stimson, George W. Stone, P. W.
Minick and Albert M. Jackson, who shall serve until the quali-
fication of the Committeemen to be elected in April, 1917, as
herein provided, and vacancies therein shall be filled by the
remaining Committeemen as hereinafter provided; the first
named shall, until otherwise directed by said Committee, be
and constitute the Chairman thereof, each of whom shall qualify
as such Committeemen by taking an oath before any officer in
said Montgomery County, authorized by law to administer
oaths, to diligently and faithfully discharge all duties of the
office. In case any one of such persons shall fail to qualify
within ten 'days after the passage of this Act, or any one of
their successors shall fail to so qualify within ten days after
his election as a Committeeman as hereinafter provided, or in
case of any vacancy through death, resignation, removal from
said Martin's Additions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the Village of Chevy
Chase, or otherwise, the remaining Committeemen shall fill
such vacancy by the appointment of a resident, registered and
qualified voter of said Martin's Additions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the
Village of Chevy Chase who shall hold office until the next
regular election as hereinafter provided.