AN ACT to amend Article 43 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, entitled "Health, " by repealing and re-
enacting with amendments the section of said Article 43
numbered 112 in Bagby's Annotated Code of 1911, as re-
pealed and re-enacted with amendments by Chapter 658 of
the Acts of 1914 of the General Assembly of Maryland, said
section being under the sub-title, "Practitioners of Medi-
cine. "
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Section of Article 43 of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws of Maryland, entitled "Health, " sub-title "Prac-
titioners of Medicine, " numbered 112 in Bagby's Annotated
Code of 1911, as repealed and re-enacted with amendments by
Chapter 658 of the Acts of 1914 of the General Assembly of
Maryland, be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments so as to read as follows:
SEC. 112. All persons, except physicians who were practic-
ing medicine in this State prior to the first day of January,
1898, who are now practicing medicine or surgery and can
prove by affidavit that within one year of said date said physi-
cian had treated in his professional capacity at least twelve
persons, who shall commence the practice of medicine or sur-
gery in any of their branches after the eleventh day of April,
1902, shall make a written application for license to the presi-
dent of either board of medical examiners which said applicant
may elect, accompanied by satisfactory proof that the applicant
is more than twenty-one years of age, is of good moral char-
acter, and has either received a diploma conferring the degree
of doctor of medicine from some legally incorporated medical
college in the United States or a diploma or license conferring
the full rights to practice all the branches of medicine and
surgery in some foreign country; said diploma, if from a col-
lege in the United States, must have been conferred by a legally
incorporated college having entrance requirements and a stand-
ard of education as defined by the Association of American
Medical Colleges or the Intercollegiate Committee of the Ameri-
can Institute of Homeopathy, respectively; provided, that this
requirement shall not apply to any physician who shall, prior
to the eleventh day of April, 1902, have practiced outside of
this State for at least three years, and who shall have been duly
registered or licensed in the place where he has so practiced;