54. To the West End Maternite Hospital, the sum of four
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like sum of
four thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
55. To the Frederick City Hospital Association, the sum
of eight thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like
sum of eight thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
56. To the General and Marine Hospital of Crisfield, the
sum of six thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the
like sum of six thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
57. To the Havre de Grace Hospital of Harford County,
the sum of four thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and
the like sum of four thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
58. To the Hebrew Hospital and Asylum Association of
Baltimore City, the sum of nine thousand dollars for the fiscal
year 1917, and the like sum of nine thousand dollars for the
fiscal year 1918.
59. To the Hahnemann General Hospital, the sum of six
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like sum of
six thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
60. To the Hospital for the Women of Maryland, the sum
of nine thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like
sum of nine thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
61. To the Home and Infirmary of Western Maryland,
the sum of nine thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and
the like sum of nine thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
62. To the Maryland General Hospital, the sum of fifteen
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like sum of
fifteen thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918; provided the
said Maryland General Hospital shall furnish one bed, main-
tenance and treatment for one patient at a time from each
Senatorial District of the State of Maryland, during two years
from the date of the passage of this Act.
63. To the Maryland Lying-in Hospital, the sum of four
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like sum of
four thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
64. To the Mercy Hospital, the sum of seventeen thousand
five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like sum
of seventeen thousand five hundred dollars for the fiscal year
1918; provided the said Mercy Hospital shall furnish on© bed,
maintenance and treatment for one patient at a time from each
Senatorial district of the State of Maryland, during two years
from the date of the passage of this Act.