they are not, and will not during their employment, be con-
nected with or interested in the manufacture of steam boilers,
engines or machinery applicable thereto, and that they will
not during their employment, accept any money, gift, gratuity
or consideration from any person, and shall give bond, to be
approved by the State Comptroller, in the sum of five thousand
dollars each, for the faithful discharge of their duties.
573. The City of Baltimore is divided into two districts,
which shall be known as the first and second steam boiler in-
spection districts; the first district shall embrace what is now
known as the Eastern, Northeastern and Southern Police Dis-
tricts; the second shall embrace what is now known as the
Central, Western, Northwestern and Southwestern Police Dis-
tricts in said City; and the State Board of Labor and Statis-
tics in appointing the inspectors shall assign each to his re-
spective district.
574. The State Board of Labor and Statistics shall provide
the said inspectors with a suitably located office in the City of
Baltimore, also with the necessary apparatus and appliances
for the testing of steam boilers; and shall give notice for three
successive days, through the two daily papers having the larg-
est circulation in said City, of the time and manner in which
it shall receive reports of the locations of steam boilers.
583. It shall be the duty of each inspector to keep a cor-
rect record of the locations of all boilers in his district, when
each boiler was inspected, the condition of the same at the time
of inspection, the instructions given to the engineers in charge,
the certificates issued, the amount of steam pressure allowed
in each certificate, and the boilers condemned or ordered to be
repaired; also a correct account of all money received or paid
out; and they shall report the same to the State Board of
Labor and Statistics, which shall in turn report the same to the
State Comptroller. All apparatus, appliances, records, docu-
ments, papers, moneys, and all other property and things now
in the hands of the steam boiler inspectors, shall, as soon as
this Act becomes effective, be transferred to and taken posses-
sion of by the State Board of Labor and Statistics.
584. The inspectors shall each receive such annual salary
as the State Board of Labor and Statistics shall deem proper;
and all moneys collected, shall be paid to the said Board, and,
after deducting the necessary incidental expenses of the office,
shall be paid over to the Treasurer of the State.