rett County who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than Five dollars
($5. 00) nor more than Twenty Dollars ($20. 00); one-half of
any fine so imposed and collected to be paid to the informer
Approved April 11th, 191(5.
AN ACT to add an additional section to Article 8 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Cecil County, "
sub-title "Pleading, Practice and Process, " relating to the
recovery of judg-ments.
SECTION 1. Be U enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That an additional Section be and the same is here-
by added to Article 8 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Cecil County, " sub-title "Pleading, Practice
and Process, " to be known as section four hundred and nine,
and when enacted to read as follows:
409. In all actions in the Circuit Court for Cecil County
upon bills, notes, bonds or other instruments of writing for
the payment of money, or for the recovery of book and open
accounts or on foreign judgments, judgment by default shall
be entered upon motion of the plaintiff, or his attorney, after
twenty days from service of process on the defendant, not-
withstanding the appearance by the defendant, unless the de-
fendant, or if there be more than one, one or more of them
shall have previously filed in the cause an affidavit stating
that the defendant verily believes there is a legal defense to
the whole or part of such cause of action, and setting forth
the nature and character of the same with such clearness as,.
if true, would defeat the action; if the defense be to a part
only of the cause of action, the defendant, or if there be more
than one, any one or more of them shall, in such affidavit, spec-
ify the sum which is admitted to be due, and judgment shall
be entered for the plaintiff at his election for the sum acknowl-
edged to be due; the whole or the disputed portion of the
plaintiff's claim, at his election shall stand for trial at the next
succeeding term of the Circuit Court for Cecil County; pro-
vided, that no judgment shall be entered by virtue of this