recorded by the Town Clerk and Treasurer, and every resolu-
tion or ordinance shall be reduced to writing and read before
passage, and after passage shall be recorded by the Town
Clerk and Treasurer in an ordinance book to be provided
by the town, and a copy of any resolution or ordinance from
said ordinance book under the signature of the Town Clerk
and Treasurer, attested by the seal of the town, shall be evi-
dence in any court of law of the State of Maryland of the
existence and contents of such resolution or ordinance. The
style of all ordinances shall be "Be it ordained by the Mayor
and Common Council of Mount Rainier. "
The Mayor and Common Council shall have full power to
pass such ordinances as they may deem necessary for the
good government, health and improvement of the town, and
for the preservation of peace and good order therein. They
may annually employ such persons as they may deem neces-
sary for the purposes of said town, at such compensation as
they may think proper. Any bailiffs or other officers of the
peace appointed by them shall be charged with the duty of
obtaining the peace and order of the said town, and authorized
to make the necessary arrests in so doing. They may provide
by ordinance for the opening and closing of streets, and the
straightening, widening and improving the same, and for such
purposes they shall have full power of condemnation to be
exercised in accordance with the public general laws of Mary-
land. They may provide by ordinance for the establishment
of the width and grade of sidewalks and the construction of
the same and the assessment of the cost, or a part of the cost
thereof, against the abutting property, which cost may be
made a lien against the said property when and as they may
direct and may be collected as taxes are collected. They
may provide by ordinance for the setting out of shade trees,
the trimming and removal of trees, vines or shrubbery on or
along streets, or side walks, and for the removal of any ob-
structions in the streets, side walks, lanes or alleys. They
may by ordinance require each and every landowner to keep
the sidewalks and pavements in front of his, her or its respec-
tive premises in repair in such manner and upon such notice
as they shall prescribe. They may by ordinance establish build-
ing lines and building regulations. They may by ordinance
license amusement and public exhibitions upon such terms
and conditions as to them may seem proper. They shall have
full power to impose such fines, penalties and punishment for