and Council under oath; he shall file all accounts and claims
presented against the town, and whenever any account is ap-
proved and passed by the Mayor and Council, he shall make a
record of the same in a book to be kept for that purpose; he
shall perform such other duties as are imposed upon him by
law, ordinance or order of the Mayor and Council; he shall
give bond to the Mayor and Council, to be approved by them,
in the penalty of Three Thousand Dollars for the faithful dis-
charge of his duties; he shall be allowed the sum of Twelve
Hundred Dollars a year as compensation for his services, which
shall include all compensation as Clerks to the Board of Street
Commissioners, the City Board of Health and for all serviced
rendered by him or imposed upon him by sub-section 6 of Sec-
tion 181 of Article 22 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Washington County, " sub-title "Hagerstown, "
and he shall receive no other fee or compensation whatsoever,
nor shall he engage in any other business occupation during
the term of his office, and shall give his entire time and atten-
tion to his duties as such Clerk.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect from
the first day of June, 1916.
Approved March 7th, 1916.
(Vetoed. )
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Council of the Town of
Easton, Talbot County, to sell and dispose of a tract of land
known as the Potters Field.
WHEREAS, the Town of Easton is the owner of a tract of
land containing about two acres of ground, situated on the
north side of the road leading from Easton to Goldsborough's
Neck and known as the Glebe Road, which said tract of land
was purchased by the Town to be used as a Potters Field, in
which to bury the bodies of strangers; and