land be, and the same is hereby annually appropriated out of
any moneys in the Treasury of Maryland not otherwise appro-
priated for the purpose of paying said salaries.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore shall not pay after October 1, 1916, and they are
hereby relieved from payment, of any portion of the salaries of
the members of the Public Service Commission of Maryland,
the General Counsel to said Commission, the members of the
State Industrial Accident Commission and the members of the
State Tax Commission, anything in any provision of any exist-
ing statute in this State to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from June 1st, 1916.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to regulate license fees and the operation of motor
vehicles to be used in the public transportation of merchan-
dise or freight operating over State, State Aid, improved
County roads, and Streets and Roads incorporated towns
and cities in the State of Maryland, to provide for the dis-
position of such fees and for the penalties for the violation
of this Act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it shall be the duty of each owner of a motor vehicle
to be used in the public transportation of merchandise or
freight, operating over State, State Aid, improved County
roads, and Streets and Roads of incorporated towns and cities
in the State of, Maryland, to secure a permit from the Public
Service Commission of Maryland to operate over said roads
and streets, and present sarnie to the Motor Vehicle Commis-
sioner annually at the time and according to the method and
provisions prescribed by law for owners of all other motor
vehicles, to make an application in writing for registration
with the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, and to state in said
application besides the other matters by law provided, the carry-
ing capacity as given by manufacturer of such motor vehicles,
the route on which said motor vehicle is to be used, whether
reserve or substitute cars are maintained by the applicant to
be used only in emergencies, and if so, the number of such