sealed offers, with the privilege of rejecting any and all
bids, and the money arising from the sale of said bonds shall
be kept by the County Treasurer in a separate fund, to be
known as "Public Improvement Bonds of Wicomico County"
to be used only for the purpose of making additions and im-
provements to the public school buildings -in Wicomico County
thirty-three thousand dollars ($33, 000. 00), which shall be ex-
pended as follows: Schools in Salisbury, seventeen thousand
dollars ($17, 000. 00); school in Delmar, ten thousand dollars
($10, 000. 00); Hebron School twelve hundred dollars ($1200. 00);
Oakland School one thousand dollars ($1, 000. 00) Willards
School one thousand dollars ($1, 000. 00); Oliphant School eight
hundred dollars ($800. 00); Leonards School one thousand dol-
lars ($1, 000. 00); Powellville School one thousand dollars
($1, 000. 00). For the payment of the balance due on the two
lift bridges on the South Branch of the Wicomico River in Salis-
bury at South Division Street and Camden Avenue, twenty-five
thousand. dollars ($25, 000. 00); for the building of a new lift
bridge over the North Prong of the Wicomico River in Salisbury
at Main Street twenty-four thousand dollars ($24, 000. 00); for
a suitable bridge across Wetipquin Creek at the crossing of the
Wetipquin Neck and Tyaskin County Road five thousand dollars
($5, 000. 00); for State Aided Roads in Wicomico County twenty-
five thousand dollars ($25, 000. 00); but the misapplication of
the funds so allotted as herein provided shall in no way af-
fect or invalidate the legality of said bonds issued under the
power granted in this Act to issue said bonds. The sum here-
tofore allotted to the County School Commissioners of Wicomico
County to be paid over on requisition of the County School
Commissioners on said County Commissioners. The County
Treasurer shall keep a full registry of said bonds with the
names of the purchasers and the amount realized from the sales,
and date of maturity of the several bonds, and when redeemed
said bonds shall be at once cancelled on the face of said bonds
and on the book of registry, and shall not be again issued, pro-
vided, the said County Commissioners may sell all, or such part
of said bonds at such time or times, as they in their judgment
may deem best, provided that any bonds not issued before the
first day of July, 1917, shall not be issued and such bonds shall
be cancelled and entered upon the book of registry.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds from
the same of the allotment of thirty-three thousand dollars
($33, 000. 00) of the said "Public Improvement Bonds of