office in the city of Baltimore, open daily, excepting Sundays
and holidays, during such hours as the Governor may pre-
scribe. ' He shall file with the Governor, on the last day of
April in each and every year, an account of the receipts and
disbursements of his office as provided for in this sub-title.
The salaries of said Commissioner or clerk or clerks, together
with all office and other expenses including the cost of the
Commissioner's bond, shall be paid out of the receipts of his
office. He shall transmit on the first day of each and every
month a statement of the receipts and disbursements of his
office for the preceding month and such monies as may not be
needed to carry out the provisions of this sub-title, to the State
Treasurer, to be used as provided elsewhere in this sub-title,
and shall receive a receipt therefor. Said Commissioner shall
be conversant with the construction of motor vehicles, and
shall be required to make oath that he has personally operated
motor vehicles, other than motor cycles, at least two thousand
miles prior to his appointment. In case of the absence of the
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles or of his inability, from any
cause, to perform the duties of his office, the Governor shall
designate some properly qualified person to perform such duties,
such person to have all the powers and perform all the duties
of said Commissioner during his absence or inability as afore-
said; and to receive such compensation per diem, and to give
such bond as the Governor may prescribe.
In addition to the specific duties imposed upon the Com-
missioner of Motor Vehicles, by the provisions of this sub-title,
it shall be his duty faithfully to exercise every reasonable
effort to secure the enforcement of this sub-title, so that motor
vehicle traffic in this State shall be reasonably and efficiently
regulated with due regard to the convenience of persons using
motor vehicles and the safety of the public in general. Said
Commissioner or a deputy or clerk especially designated by
him shall have power to administer the oath prescribed by law
in all cases in which he may deem the same necessary, in the
performance of the duties prescribed by this sub-title, who
shall charge for each oath administered the sum of twenty-
five cents, and all fees received from such source to be paid
by said Commissioner of Motor Vehicles into the Treasury as
are other funds received by him.
The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall keep a record
of all statements filed with him and all certificates issued by
him, which record shall be open to public inspection.