protection of the natural resources of the State above enu-
merated, the surplus, if any, at the end of the fiscal year fixed
by the Commission, to become a part of the general funds of
the State Treasury, first reserving, however, a balance of ten
thousand dollars at the end of each year to be applied by the
Commission to its current expenses for the ensuing year. The
fund now known as the "State Game Protection Fund", shall
be placed under the supervision and control of the Commission,
but the moneys in said fund shall be used solely for the salaries
and expenses of the State Game Warden and his subordinates,
and for the protection and propagation of birds and game of all
kinds, the Commission to make an equitable distribution of said
fund among the counties of the State, in proportion to the
amounts contributed to said fund by the respective counties.
SEC. 10. The Commission is empowered to provide for the
vessels of the State Fishery Force such arms, ammunition and
equipment as may be required, and the Commission may from
time to time make such repairs and additions to the vessels of
(the force as may in its discretion be necessary for the efficiency
of the force, provided that all moneys expended by the Commis-
sion for such purposes shall be paid out of the Conservation
Fund under its control, unless other funds are specially ap-
propriated therefor by the General Assembly.
SEC. 11. It shall be the duty of the Commission, on or before
the second Monday in January in each year, to prepare and pre-
sent to the Governor of the State a printed report showing the
operations of the Commission during the preceding year, in
which report shall be plainly set forth the amounts of revenue
derived from the several industries under the supervision of
the Commission, and also the amounts of money expended by the
Commission and for what purpose. It shall be the duty of the
Commission to recommend from time to time such further legis-
lation as it may deem advisable.
SEC. 12. The main object of this Article being to centralize
and vest in the Conservation Commission entire control of the
above mentioned natural resources of the State, it is hereby de-
clared to be the intent of this Act that the said Commission shall
supersede the former boards and officers to whom the adminis-
tration of the law relating to such resources respectively has
heretofore been entrusted. In case any section or provision of
this Act shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, the same