tioned equally among said three cities for said purposes. And
twenty-six thousand dollars ($26, 000. 00) of the proceeds of
said issue of bonds shall be used for the construction and
equipment of a dormitory at State Normal School No. 2 at
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of the several Counties of this State and the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore are hereby respectively directed
to levy the State taxes for the year 1917 at one cent (1 cent)
on each One Hundred Dollars of assessable property; for the
year 1918 at one and one-third cent (1 1/3 cent) on each One
Hundred Dollars of assessable property; for the year 1919 at
two cents (2 cents) on each One Hundred Dollars of assessable
property, and for the year 1920 and annually thereafter to and
including the year 1932 at two and three-fourths cents (2 3/4
cents) on each One Hundred Dollars of assessable property,
to be collected according to law, to meet the interest on the
amount of said certificates outstanding, and also meet and re-
deem so much of the principal, in each of said years; as will
be represented by certificates redeemable in each year, respec-
tively, as herein specified in Section 2 of this Act.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That all moneys aris-
ing from the sale of the certificates of indebtedness authorized
to be issued by this Act shall be promptly turned over in the
proportions above mentioned, to the State Roads Commission,
to be by it used for the purposes set forth in Sections 32-A,
32-B, 32-C, 32-D, 32-E, 32-F and 32-G of Article 91, of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, and as provided
by this Act, and subject to the limitation and manner herein
provided, or as authorized from time to time by future action
of the Legislature and to the Trustees of the Maryland Agri-
cultural College, and to the three building commissions which
the Governor is hereby authorized to appoint, and which shall
respectively be clothed with all the rights and powers neces-
sary for the acquisition, by purchase, condemnation or other-
wise, of ground in each of the said cities of Cambridge,
Hyattsville and Westminster and for the erection and con-
struction thereon respectively of a suitable armory and equip-
ment of the same, and for making all contracts necessary for
said purpose, title of said ground and to said armory when
completed, to be in the State of Maryland, and said armories
to be for the use of the Maryland National Guard in said
respective cities; provided, that the said moneys shall only