tificates of indebtedness, first return to and credit the Treas-
ury proper for whatever appropriations, advances or loans that
may have been made from the same as provided in Section 6
of this Act, the balance of proceeds of said issue of bonds or
certificates of indebtedness and apportioned as follows, to wit,
Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2, 700, 000)
of such proceeds, to be used in the manner and for the pur-
poses set forth in Sections 32-A, 32-B, 32-C, 32-D, 32-E, 32-F
and 32-G of said Article 91 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, and as further provided in this Act; and
the State Roads Commission shall appropriate and use in the
City of Baltimore therefrom Five Hundred and Forty Thou-
sand Dollars ($540, 000) for the grading, paving and curbing
of such streets, or portions of streets, within the present limits
of Baltimore City as may be selected by the State Roads Com-
mission, and Two Million One Hundred and Sixty Thousand
Dollars ($2, 160, 000) of the funds arising from the issue of
bonds or certificates of indebtedness herein provided shall be
used for the purpose of constructing, improving and maintain-
ing State highways and bridges acquired or to be acquired by
the State Roads Commission of Maryland in the Counties of
the State. It being the intention of this Act to provide for this
additional sum of Two Million One Hundred and Sixty Thou-
sand Dollars ($2, 160, 000) to be used in the furtherance of the
purposes for which the State Roads Commission was created
and in the same manner as previous State roads loans have
been used, except that the funds hereby provided for shall be
at all times at the disposal of the State Roads Commission to
be used in such Counties and at such times, and for such, roads
and bridges, and for such amounts and in such manner as in
the judgment of the State Roads Commission of Maryland
will most efficiently and rapidly result in the completion of a
proper general road system of Maryland as determined upon
by the State Roads Commission of Maryland, and without
reference to the existing road mileage of any of said Counties.
One hundred and seventy-four thousand dollars ($174, 000. 00)
of the proceeds of said issue of bonds shall be used for the
construction and equipment of an Agricultural Building for
the Maryland Agricultural College. One Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($100, 000. 00) of the proceeds of said issue of bonds
shall be used to acquire ground and erect thereon armories for
the use of the Maryland National Guard in the Cities of
Cambridge, Hyattsville and Westminster respectively, said
one hundred thousand dollars ($100, 000. 00) shall be appor-