AN ACT to authorize the creation of a State Debt in the ag-
gregate amount of Three Million Dollars ($3, 000, 000. 00),
to be evidenced by bonds or evidences of indebtedness, the
proceeds thereof to be used and apportioned as follows: To
complete and maintain the construction of the system of
State Roads, and for paving in Baltimore City, two million
seven hundred thousand dollars ($2, 700, 000. 00); to con-
struct and equip an Agricultural Building for the Maryland
Agricultural College, one hundred and seventy-four thou-
sand dollars ($174, 000. 00); to acquire ground and erect
thereon armories for the use of the Maryland National
Guard in the cities of Cambridge, Hyattsville and Westmin-
ster, and to provide for Commissions to acquire said ground
and to erect said Armories, one hundred thousand dollars
($100, 000. 00); and to construct and equip a Dormitory at
State Normal School No. 2, at Frostburg, twenty-six thou-
sand dollars ($26, 000. 00).
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in order to complete and maintain the con-
struction of the State Roads System of Maryland as provided
for in Sections 32-A, 32-B, 32-C, 32-D, 32-E, 32-F and 32-G
of Article 91 of the Code of Public General Laws of Mary-
land, title, "Surveyor and State Survey, " sub-title "Public
Roads, " and to construct and equip an Agricultural Building
for the Maryland Agricultural College, and to acquire ground
and erect thereon armories for the use of the Maryland
National Guard in the Cities of Cambridge, Hyattsville and
Westminster, and provide for Commissions to acquire said
ground and to erect said armories, and to construct and equip
a Dormitory at State Normal School No. 2, Frostburg, an
additional loan be and the same is hereby created to be called
"The Three Million Dollar Loan of 1916" to the amount of
three million dollars ($3, 000, 000. 00), one million five hun-
dred thousand dollars ($1, 500, 000. 00) of said loan shall be
dated August 1st, 1916, and the remainder of said loan, viz,
one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1, 500, 000. 00)
shall be dated February 1, 1917, and shall bear interest at a
rate to be fixed by the Governor, Comptroller of the Treasury
and Treasurer of this State, or a majority of them, not to
exceed four per centum per annum, and the said interest shall
be payable semi-annually, and the said loan and every part
thereof, and the interest payable thereon, shall be and remain