fund, or transferred and assigned to or deposited with the treas-
urer, in trust or otherwise, by any corporation of this or any
other State, or by any individual, pursuant to any law or laws
of this State, and all bonds, certificates of stock and other securi-
ties belonging to the State shall be deposited and kept in some
safe deposit company in the City of Baltimore to be selected
by the Treasurer with the approval of the Board of Public
Works; the Treasurer alone shall not be entitled to have access
to the box, boxes, vault or vaults, where such securities shall be
kept, but on all occasions when access to the same is to be had
by him he shall be accompanied by the Comptroller or by some
other members of the Board of Public Works designated by the
Governor for that purpose; in case the Comptroller be unable to
attend in any particular case, the box or boxes, vault or vaults,
where such securities shall be kept shall be so constructed that
two entirely different keys shall be required to gain access to
said securities, one of which keys for each such box or vault
shall be in the custody of the Treasurer and the other in that
of the Comptroller.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on the first day of June, 1916.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to appropriate $32, 402. 38 to pay the claims of Julius
Schwarten, Sisters of Bon Secours, " Edward Sachs, Harry
Schultz, John Segar, Jr., B. F. Shriver Company, Jacob
H. Risser, Henry Reiblich, Charles C. Renn, Arthur Rudo,
George Roeder & Sons, William C. Reinhold, James Pippin,
Charles H. Quimby, Samuel S. Owings, B. H. Missix, EH
H. Martin, D. B. Martin Co., W. H. McKimmy, W. H.
McKimmy, Meyer Samuelson, Charles Maher, Charles H.
Maus, Charles W. King, Sarah Kate Koons, George Lang's
Sons, Joseph F. Hartle, William Harvey Hykes, Clifford
W. Hyrons, J. N. Miller, J. K. Miller, James H. Jones,
Albert F. Jenkins., H. M. Hopkins, James P. Gott, John
H. Gross, David R. Geib, Mary W. Fuss, Phoebe Ellwanger,
C. Frank Emmart, J. P. Dulin, Thomas L. Day, M. H.
Downes, Sidney Cooper, John H. Beimiller, Charles L.
Berry, Harry J. Babylon, William L. Boetler, AV. J. Adams,