AN ACT to supplement further an Act entitled "An Act. to in-
corporate the Baltimore Equitable Society for insuring
houses from loss by fire, " being Chapter thirty-nine of the
Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of seventeen
hundred and ninety-four, by repealing Article 2 of Chapter
thirty-nine of said Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-
land of seventeen hundred and ninety-four, and to re-enact
said Article 2 with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Article 2 of Chapter thirty-nine of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland of seventeen hundred and
ninety-four, entitled "An Act to incorporate the Baltimore
Equitable Society for insuring houses from loss by fire, " be, and
the same is hereby repealed, and that the same be and is hereby
re-enacted so as to read as follows:
Article 2. And be it enacted, That the direction and man-
agement of this society, and all the affairs thereof, from time to
time, shall be entrusted with, and committed to, twelve of the
members thereof, who shall be called the Directors of the Balti-
more Equitable Society, for. insuring houses from loss by fire,
and it is hereby provided and declared, that no director or
directors now chosen and appointed, or hereafter to be chosen
and appointed by virtue and in pursuance of these presents,
shall have, take, receive or be allowed, in any manner what-
soever, any stipend, salary, gratuity, benefit, profit or advantage
whatsoever, for being a director, other than in common with the
members of the society, and in proportion to his or their re-
spective insurances, as hereinafter mentioned, provided, how-
ever, that a sum of money not in excess of ten dollars may be
provided by resolution of said board of directors to be paid,
and if so provided for, may be paid to everyone, respectively,
of the said directors who shall in person attend any general or
special meeting of the board of directors at which a quorum
shall be present, for each such meeting they shall attend, and,
in like manner, to each of said directors who shall duly attend
any meeting of any committee chosen by the said board, and
the amount so to be paid may be fixed by said board, from time
to time, provided further, however, that the sum which a direc-
tor may receive for attending any such meeting, shall never
exceed ten dollars.