SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the bonds so to be issued
shall be designated as "bonds for the permanent improvement
of public highways of Cecil County, " and the funds arising
therefrom shall not be used for or diverted to any other pur-
pose under the penalty provided under the next preceding sec-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of the
improvements of the roads, as aforesaid, there shall be an aux-
iliary board, consisting of four citizens of Cecil County, name-
ly, Warren J. Haines, Irving G. Griffith, John F. John-
son and John H. Kimble, to confer and act with the
Board of County Commissioners as to the proper roads
to be improved, and the manner of their improvement,
and who shall advise with the said Board of County Commis-
sioners as to the character or the place where the work is to be
done, and also as to the letting of contracts for such improve-
ments, and the decision of a majority of said two boards in
joint session shall be final as to the places and manner of said
improvements. The said auxiliary board so appointed shall
receive no compensation other than their personal expenses,
of which they shall monthly render an account to the County
Commissioners of said county, who shall thereupon, immedi-
ately pay the same in cash.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted. That, whereas provision is
hereinbefore made for a levy to pay the interest upon said
bonds, if the County Commissioners shall determine that the
same can be paid but of the general fund provided for county
highways, they shall not be required to make a special levy
for said interest, but may, in their discretion, pay it from the
general fund provided for highways or out of their contingent
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the fund arising from
the sale of the bonds for the permanent improvements of the
public highways shall be spent by the County Commissioners
and said auxiliary board in the building and repair of the per-
manent roads as their best judgment shall dictate, looking how-
ever to the interests of all the citizens of the county.
Approved April 18th, 1916.