elections held under the laws of. the State of Maryland. If
said applicant answers both questions in the affirmative then
it shall be the duty of the said Oscar M. Link, Harry B. Chase
and George B. Castle, their successor or successors, to allow
said party to cast his ballot, and if either question is answered
in the negative then the party so answering in the negative
either of the above provided questions shall not be allowed to
cast his ballot. The questions provided in this section and in
Section 7 of this Act to be asked the voters who present them--
selves to cast their ballot in all elections provided for in this
Charter shall be propounded to each applicant to vote under
oath, by the constituted Election Officials under the provisions
of this Act; and any voter answering falsely either of the ques
tions herein provided, to determine his right to vote, shall be
guilty of the crime of perjury, and shall be subject to the
penalties for perjury, provided for by the laws of the State of
SEC. 20. And be it further enacted, That Everett H. Rob-
erts is hereby appointed clerk of the town of Brentwood for
the purpose of providing a polling place, preparing ballots and
attending such other duties as shall be necessary to conduct the
election or elections provided for in Section 18 of this Act.
And in the event that this Charter is adopted at either of the
elections, provided for in Section 18 of this Act, then and in
that event the said Everett H. Roberts, shall continue to act in
the capacity above designated at the succeeding election held
for the purpose of electing the officers of said Town, and the
said Everett H. Roberts shall continue to act as Town Clerk
until his successor shall have been duly appointed and quali-
fied. Provided further, that in the event of the death, resigna-
tion, or refusal to act of one or more of the hereinbefore pro-
vided judges and clerks of election, then and in that event it
shall be the duty of the said Everett H. Roberts to fill such
vacancy or vacancies.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact Section 187 of Article 81 of
the Code of Public General Laws, entitled "Revenue and
Taxes, " sub-title "Tax on Mortgages, " as amended and re-
enacted by the Act of 1906, Chapter 794, as amended and