public streets, avenues and alleys of said town, and shall be
from time to time improved and repaired as the public interest
may require, and the resources of the town justify.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of Prince George's County, Maryland, shall pay
over to the Mayor and Town Council of Brentwood, annually,
three-fourths of that proportion of the entire taxes levied for
roads and bridges, imposed upon the assessable property, with-
in the corporate limits of the town of Brentwood, by the County
Commissioners of Prince George's County.
SEC. 16. And, be it further enacted, That it shall not be
lawful to sell intoxicants of any kind, in any quantity what-
ever, except by prescription of attending physician in regular
practice, nor to grant or issue, nor cause to grant or issue, any
license to sell intoxicating liquors of any kind, in any quantity
whatever, except by such prescription within the corporate
limits of Brentwood; and if any such license be granted or
issued in violation thereof, the same shall be void.
SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That no ordinance
passed by the Mayor and Town Council shall go into effect
until after the expiration of twenty days after its passage, un-
less otherwise provided by the Laws of this State. If within
twenty plays from the date of its passage, a petition protesting
against it signed by one-half as many voters as voted at the
last general election, shall be filed with the Town Clerk, such
ordinance shall be suspended and the Mayor and Town Council
shall reconsider it; and if it be not repealed, the Mayor and
Town Council shall submit it to a vote of the duly qualified
voters of said town, at the next election. Provided, however,
that if the next election shall occur more than ninety days there-
after, the Mayor and Town Council shall call a special election
for the purpose of deciding whether such proposed ordinance
shall or shall not become a law, and the same shall become
operative or repealed by a majority of the votes cast at this
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That this Charter shall
not become effective unless it shall be submitted to the qualified
voters living within the prescribed limits of said town of Brent-
wood, as set forth in Section 2 of this Act, and accepted by a
majority of said voters at an election held for this purpose
on the 12th day of June, 1916. If said charter is rejected at
this election, it shall be again submitted to said voters, as pro-