the provision that said franchise or right shall be executed and
enjoyed six months after the grant, as provided in Section 37
of Article 4 of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, provided,
however, that said The Baltimore Transit and Terminal Com-
pany is hereby expressly forbidden to construct, maintain, or
operate a continuous line or lines connecting either or both of
the lines of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and the Philadel-
phia, Baltimore & Washington Railroad from a point or points
lying to the south of the city of Baltimore to any other point
or points lying to the north or east of the city of Baltimore
except by passing through, over, or under said city; and pro-
vided that nothing herein contained shall in any way conflict
with the provisions of chapter 457 of the Acts of 1906.
SEC. 4. And he it further enacted, That the said The Balti-
more Transit and Terminal Company, its successors and as-
signs, shall have and enjoy all of the general powers, provi-
sions and privileges contained in Article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations. "
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said The Balti-
more Transit and Terminal Company, its successors and as-
signs, be and it is hereby authorized and empowered, in order
to enjoy the rights, powers, privileges and franchises hereby
granted, and to construct its railroad, terminals, stations, and
other structures, to acquire land or property of any individual
or corporation or private right of way from any individual or
corporation that may be necessary, and where the consent of
the owner of said land, right of way, or property cannot be
obtained, a jury of condemnation shall be summoned in con-
formity with the provisions of Article 33A of Bagby's Code,
title "Eminent Domain, " and the proceedings shall be as pro-
vided by said Article 33A, and that the said The Baltimore
Transit and Terminal Company be and it is hereby expressly
authorized and empowered to exercise, enjoy and use all the
powers and privileges which are provided and set forth in
said Article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Corporations, " sub-title "Railroad Companies"; and also
shall have power to lease or purchase and operate any railroad
or railroads for the purpose of carrying on their business.
And said The Baltimore Transit and Terminal Company is
hereby authorized to lease the railroad or railroads, transmis-
sion lines, or other property acquired or constructed by it
under this Charter to any other railroad or railroads, or to
any, other body corporate, provided that such lease shall be