of its Board of Directors, through, over, or under the city of
Baltimore, to some convenient point or points in Baltimore
County, and in particular to construct a railroad or railroads
as above from a convenient point or points on lines of the Bal-
timore & Ohio Railroad and Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Washington Railroad in Anne Arundel County, and/or Balti-
more County, and/or Howard County to the southern or west-
ern boundary of Baltimore City, and thence passing through,
over, or under said city to a convenient point or points in Bal-
timore County at or near the points where Back River is
crossed by the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington Rail-
road and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, respectively, and to
lay tracks and build, maintain, and operate its railroad or
railroad and its transmission line or lines in Anne Arundel
County, and/or Baltimore County, and/or Howard County,
either wholly as a surface railroad or railroads, or partly as
a surface railroad or railroads and partly upon a structure or
structures raised or built up above or depressed or excavated
below the surface or level of the ground, and to lay tracks and
build, maintain, and operate the railroad or railroads and its
transmission line or lines in Baltimore City, on, over, under,
and across such streets, highways, and public grounds as The
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may authorize and per-
mit to be so used or crossed, either wholly or partly as a sur-
face or underground railroad or railroads, or wholly or partly
upon a structure or structures raised or built up above or de-
pressed or excavated below the surface or level of such streets,
highways, or other public grounds, and also upon, above, or
below such private rights of way or properties as it may ac-
quire by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, either as a
surface or underground railroad or railroads, or upon a struc-
ture or structures raised or built up above or depressed or ex-
cavated below the present grade as aforesaid, as in the judg-
ment of the Board of Directors of The Baltimore Transit and
Terminal Company may be most expedient, provided, how-
ever, that The Baltimore Transit and Terminal Company shall
obtain, the consent of the municipal authorities before being
allowed to pass through the city of Baltimore as aforesaid, as
required by Section 273 of Article 23'of the Code of Public
General Laws of 1912, title "Corporations, " sub-title "Rail-
road Companies, " and shall conform to the provisions of Sec-
tions 7 to 11 inclusive and Section 37 of Article 4 of the
Public Local Laws of Maryland entitled "City of Baltimore, "
and shall be subject as to all crossings of railroad tracks to