Mount Airy shall determine by ballot whether the bonds here-
inbefore provided for shall be issued or not, and at which elec-
tion there shall be written or printed on the ballots of said voters-
the words "For Issue of Bonds" or "Agains Issue of Bonds,"
and if a majority of the ballots cast shall contain the words-
"For Issue of Bonds," then this Act shall become operative and
binding, but if a majority of said ballots shall contain the words.
"Against Issue of Bonds," then this Act shall be void and of
no effect; and the judges of said municipal election, or a major-
ity of them, shall return to the Mayor of said town the number
of ballots cast "For Issue of Bonds" and "Against Issue of
Bonds," respectively, and the said Mayor shall announce the
result thereof.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if for any reason the ques-
tion of the issue of bonds, as hereinbefore provided, shall not
be submitted to the, qualified voters at the regular general elec-
tion to be held in May, 1914, then it shall be unlawful, and the
said The Mayor and Council of Mount Airy are hereby author-
ized to cause a special election to be held in Mount Airy, at
such time and place as may be fixed by an ordinance for that
purpose, and shall appoint three judges of election, who shall
conduct the same in the manner prescribed by said ordinance,
after giving at least ten days' previous notice thereof, posted in
five or more public places in said town, at which said special
election the qualified voters of Mount Airy shall determine by
ballot whether the bonds hereinbefore provided for shall be issued
or not, and at which said election there shall be written or
printed on the ballots of said voters the words "For Issue of
Bonds" or "Against Issue of Bonds," and if a majority of the
ballots cast shall contain the words "For Issue of Bonds," then
this Act shall become operative and binding, but if a majority
of said ballots shall contain the words '' Against Issue of Bonds,''
then this Act shall be void and of no effect, and the judges of
said special election, or a majority of them, shall return to the
Mayor of said town the number of ballots cast "For Issue of
Bonds" and "Against Issue of Bonds," respectively, and the
said Mayor shall announce the result thereof.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 10th, 1914.