to hear and determine may, in his discretion, issue a summons
directed to the proper officer requiring him to summons or give
notice to the party whose attendance is required of the nature
and circumstances of the supposed offence, and of the day and
hour of the appearance of the accused before such justice of the
peace, police justice or other similar officer; and a copy of every
such notice or summons shall be served upon the accused which
shall be returnable on a day to be stated in said summons or
notice, not exceeding five days from the time of issuing the
same; but the invalidity of any such notice or summons or of
such service thereof shall not affect the jurisdiction of such jus-
tice of the peace, police justice or other similar official, if the
accused party appears and the charge is one of which the official
issuing the notice or summons has jurisdiction, and the said
notice or summons may be amended.
SECTION 12-D. Nothing in the preceding Section shall prevent
a justice of the peace, police justice or other similar official from
issuing a warrant of arrest in the first instance, or at any time
after the issuing of the notice or summons mentioned in the pre-
ceding Section, and when the warrant of arrest is issued it shall
supersede and nullify any outstanding notice or summons issued
under the provisions of the last preceding Section.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act take effect
from the first of September, 1914.
Approved April 13th, 1914.
AN ACT to create an advisory board to be known as the '' Advis-
ory Board of Parole," and to prescribe their powers and du-
ties and to provide for the appointment, salaries and duties of
a- Secretary to said Board and Parole Officers, and to make an
appropriation for the expenses thereof, and to repeal and re-
enact with amendments Sections 6 and 7 of Article 41 of the
Code of Public General Laws, and to add eight new Sections
to said Article 41, to follow immediately after Section 7
thereof, and to be known respectively as Sections 7-A, 7-B,
7-C, 7-D, 7-E, 7-F, 7-G and 7-H, the same being An Act to
render more effective and efficient the exercise by the Gov-
ernor of his power to pardon and reprieve.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 6 and 7 of Article 41 of the Code of Public