and supplies to be subject to the approval of the Roads
Engineer. Said Commissioners shall have all stone crushers,
rollers, scrapers and road materials and appliances now in the
possession of the Highways Commission of Baltimore County
for use in connection with said roads and all other property
whatsoever now held by the County Commissioners of Baltimore
County as the Highways Commission of Baltimore County, and
may, in their discretion, purchase additions thereto. The
County Commissioners of Baltimore County shall and may adopt
all necessary and reasonable rules, regulations and orders with
reference to the proper care, repair, improvement, construction
and maintenance of the County roads and bridges and shall
have power to make all such rules and regulations with refer-
ence to the use of the roads, streets, avenues, lanes, alleys and
bridges of the County by telephone and telegraph companies,
steam railroad and street railway companies, gas, water and
electric light companies, and similar uses thereof, as said Com-
missioners may consider necessary for the proper protection of
said roads, streets, avenues, lanes, alleys and bridges of the
County, and the rights of the public therein, and impose rea-
sonable penalties for a violation of such rules and regulations,
and make other necessary provisions for the enforcement thereof,
and shall have the right from time to time to change or alter
the same, and all such rules and regulations when adopted and
recorded in a book or books kept for the purpose, shall have the
force and effect of municipal ordinances regularly adopted by
authority of the Legislature of the State of Maryland; the police,
magistrates and constables of the County shall be charged with
the duty of enforcing all such rules and regulations; and in
addition to other methods of enforcing compliance with such
rules and regulations, said County Commissioners or the road
supervisor in charge of the road involved shall have the right
to apply to the Courts of equity of the State for an injunction
to enforce compliance therewith, in which case it shall not be
necessary to make other jurisdictional averment than the threat-
ened breach of such rules or regulations, and said Courts shall
have jurisdiction to grant such injunction on such allegations
being made. A certified copy of any of such rules and regula-
tions shall be deemed proper evidence of the same in any of
the Courts of this State.
342. For the purpose of providing an improved system of
roads for the entire County said County Commissioners shall
have made as soon as the work can conveniently be done a map
of the entire County on which shall be shown all the principal