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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 747   View pdf image (33K)
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term, and upon indictment and conviction the offender shall be
sentenced to the House of Correction for a term not less than
three months nor more than one year, or be fined in ihe discre-
tion of the Court not less than $50, nor more than $100, and
the boats, seines, nets and other tackle shall be forfeited or
shall be released upon payment of not less than fifty dollars nor
more than two hundred dollars and costs and expenses for each
and every violation of the Sections of this Article enacted by
this Act, and the money arising from said fines and forfeitures
shall be paid one-half to the informer and one-half to the proper
County authorities wherein the case is tried to be divided equally
among the schools and roads in said County.

34. And upon any conviction the sale of any net or nets,
device or devices forfeited property hereinbefore mentioned
shall be made by the Sheriff of the County where the offense
is committed after at least ten days notice by hand bills and
the said Sheriff shall be allowed the same fees as are allowed
in cases of sales of personal property, under execution in the

County where the offense is committed.

35. It shall be the duty of the Commander of the State
Fishery Force of the State of Maryland to command the Depu-
ties under his charge to see that the provisions of Sections 29,
30, 31 and 32 of this Article are not violated, and to arrest
all persons violating any of the provisions of said Section
and to take the offender or offenders to the nearest or most
accessible Justice of the Peace of the County in which the
offense is committed for a preliminary hearing and upon being
held said offender or offenders shall in default of bail be
held for the action of the next Grand Jury of the County where
the offense is committed, and shall also seize said net or nets
or device or devices, boats or boats and tackle, if any, and
deliver same to said Justice of the Peace, and the deputy or

deputies making the arrest shall upon conviction of the person
or persons so arrested be entitled to the informers' fee provided
for in Section 33 of this Act.

SEC. 114-B. It shall not be lawful for any person, persons,
corporation or corporations to set, place, construct or use any
pound net, fyke net, sunken net or staked net of any kind, or any
device of any kind or description now known or hereafter
to be invented for trapping or catching fish in that part of the
Chesapeake Bay which lies between a straight line drawn from
Drum Point Light House in Calvert County to Hog Point in St.
Mary's County and a. straight line drawn from Cove Point Light


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 747   View pdf image (33K)
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