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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 746   View pdf image (33K)
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rection from any other net or device above mentioned or of the
total length of any net or device above mentioned of more than
175 yards in length, including the leaders or hedges or wings
thereof, below a straight line, from Truman's Point Wharf across
said river to a point on the shore directly opposite said wharf,
or of a total length of more than fifty yards in said river above
said straight line from Truman's Point Wharf or at a greater
distance across the waters above mentioned from low water
mark on either side, and be it further provided that whenever
the word net or the word device is mentioned in this Section it
shall be held to include the leader or leaders, or hedge or hedges,
or wing or wings of said net or device; provided, however, that
this Section shall not apply to catching fish with hook and line,
floating gill nets, purse nets or seines.

30. It shall be unlawful to use or haul any seine or gill
net or purse net in any part of said river with a smaller mesh
than that prescribed in Section 23 of This Article, or at any
other time than prescribed by said Section 23 or in any creek or
tributary of said river less than two hundred feet wide at its.

31. It shall not be lawful for any person to catch or take
fish in the Patuxent River or any of its tributaries with purse,
seines, except for food purposes.

32. Any person wishing to catch or take fish in the Patuxent
River with purse seines for food purposes shall make applica-
tion to a Justice of the Peace in the County in which he resides
for a permit and shall make oath before said Justice of the
Peace that he is a resident of said County and does not intend
to catch fish for the purpose of manufacturing into fertilizer
or to put upon the land in a raw state, and all person or per-
sons making a false oath shall be deemed guilty of perjury and
subject to the penalty provided in case of purjury.

33. Upon information given upon oath or affirmation to any
Justice of the Peace in and for the County where the offense
is committed for violation of any of the provisions of the
four preceding Sections, the Justice of the Peace shall issue
his warrant for the arrest of the person or persons so violat-
ing the law, and shall order the seizure of all boats, nets,
seines or tackle used in such violation, and after a prelimi-
nary hearing, if he shall deem the offense sufficiently proven,
he shall hold the offender or offenders to bail for his appear-
ance before the Grand Jury of the County at its next ensuing


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 746   View pdf image (33K)
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