tional activities, the said school authorities shall have the
authority to allow the free use of such school building or
grounds of same for the purposes enumerated above; provided,
however, said meetings shall be held during such hours as the
school buildings are not being used for their prime purposes.
SEC. 34-A. When the citizens of any community are organ-
ized into a non-partisan, non-sectarian, none-exclusive associa-
tion for the presentation and discussion of public questions,
such organization, upon request to the trustees of any school,
or to the School Board, or other body having qharge of school
houses, may in the discretion of the said authorities, have the
free use of any school building in this State, for weekly, bi-
weekly, or monthly gatherings, or at such times as the citizens
organization shall request or designate, provided, however, said
meetings shall be held during such hours as the school buildings
are not being used for their prime purpose.
SEC. 34-B. The trustees of schools, the School Board, or other
board having charge of school houses, may provide for the free
and gratuitous use of school houses for such other civic, social
and recreational activities, as in their opinion do not interfere
with the prime use of the said school buildings or properties.
SEC. 34-C. The person or persons making application for
the use of a school house for a public meeting, shall be respon-
sible for all damage to the property occurring at such meeting,
ordinary wear and tear excepted, and upon failure of the per-
son or persons to respond in damages for any such injury
to the property, the School Board or other board in charge of
the school house, may refuse all future applications for the
wider use of the property until such injury is repaired, with-
out expense to the board in charge of the property. It shall
be the duty of the person or persons making application for
the use of a school house for a public meeting, to place the said
school house after said meeting in as clean a condition as it
was before said meeting, and any failure upon the part of said
person or persons to whom permission has been granted to hold
a meeting to place said school house after said meeting in as
clean a condition as it was when said school house was turned
over to said person or persons for said meeting will warrant
said school authorities in refusing to allow any further use of
said school house to the same parties.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all Acts and parts
of Acts conflicting with the provisions of this Act are hereby
repealed in so far as they are inconsistent therewith.